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Broodmare Pedigree Status 2025 Due Date In Foal To
A List Girl Always B Miki - A List Hanover Maiden *
Amber Ella Chapter Seven - Blushed DUE 2/9/25 Tactical Landing
At My Peak Artspeak - Bridesmaid Hanover Maiden *
Ballyhooed Cantab Hall - Almond Joy DUE 3/26/25 Ecurie D
Beyond Magic Kadabra - Habit of Creature BARREN Tactical Landing
Blank Cheek Sweet Lou - Tongue In Cheek Maiden *
Catch All Muscles Yankee - Clever Catch BARREN Ecurie D
Checkered Past American Ideal - Character Flaw DUE 4/22/25 Huntsville
Cocktails N Dreams Father Patrick - Cocktail Attire DUE 5/27/25 Muscle Hill
Cut And Paste Well Said - On The Arm DUE 3/28/25 Perfect sting
Fashion Princess Donato Hanover - Fashion Spooner DUE 2/25/25 Tactical Landing
Follow Streak Donato Hanover - Streak DUE 3/9/25 Walner
Gambler's Passion Cam's Card Shark - Beach Bretta DUE 5/6/25 Captaintreacherous
Gotta Believe Donato Hanover - Mets Life DUE 2/16/25 Walner
Haley Hill Muscle Hill - Yalta Hanover DUE 2/9/25 Walner
Hydration Somebeachsomewhere - Just add Water DUE 4/23/25 Bulldog Hanover
Lyons Serenity Sweet Lou- Southwind Serenity DUE 4/13/25 Captaintreacherous
Mimispearloflindy Cantab Hall - Lindys Showgirl BARREN Ecurie D
Mother May I Cantab Hall - Southwind Maywood DUE 4/9/25 Ecurie D
Rapunzel Bluechip American Ideal - Regal Wish DUE 3/9/25 Stay Hungry
Sansovina Hanover Somebeachsomewhere - Shaked up DUE 5/13/25 Tall Dark Stranger
Southwind Bambam Muscle Hill - Beyond Magic Maiden *
Southwind Flame Muscle Hill-Follow Streak DUE 4/16/25 Father patrick
Southwind Gilly Father Patrick - Southwind Cabaret DUE 3/4/25 Ecurie D
Southwind Inertia Captaintreacherous - Juliet's Fate DUE 5/11/25 Bettors Wish
Southwind Johanne Dragon Again - Juliets Fate BARREN *
Southwind Prima Sportswriter - Gamblers Passion DUE 5/6/25 Bettors Wish
Southwind Serenity Real Desire - Shady Darling DUE 4/27/25 Tall Dark Stranger
Southwind Solara Camluck - Sing Fat Lady Due 4/30/25 Captaintreacherous
Watayankee Yankee Glide - Maker a Laker DUE 2/7/25 Ecurie D
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